I think it's adorable that our fans call me Shirl. It's preferrable to asshole.
-- Shirley Manson

I'm sick of tattoos, sick of piercings, sick of temporary tattoos. They are the white stilettos of the '90s.
-- Shirley Manson

It wouldn't matter a jot if Christina Aguilera claimed she loved Garbage. I'd still think she was a horrid little squirt.
-- Shirley Manson

I'm totally unfreaked about any kind of bodily function. My band are with it too; they'll carry my tampons round in their pockets if I don't have a bag
-- Shirley Manson

As I stare into the abyss of the toilet bowl I try hard to rememeber the reason why I felt the desperate need to mix vodka and red wine with whiskey and tequila.
-- Shirley Manson

"I thought they would be creepy, mid-western geeks who had probably done a Gloria Estefan B-side four years ago and all they wanted was some novelty Scottish bagpipe song."
-- Shirley Manson (On meeting Butch, Duke and Steve for the first time)